William L. Fulliton, Ph.D.
Founder of BSC
Dr. William L. Fulliton has practiced Clinical Psychology since 1991 and is licensed in Tennessee and authorized to practice in 40 states. He earned a Ph.D. from The University of Memphis, an M.A. from Stephen F. Austin State University, and a B.A from Biola University. Before organizing BSC in 2005, he was on staff at Baptist Memorial Hospital and worked as the police psychologist for the City of Memphis. He now consults with the Lakeside Behavioral Health, Crestwyn Behavior Health, and Delta Specialty Hospital. Additionally, he frequently testifies as an expert witness in the area of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Fullition also has an affiliation with The University of Memphis to provide internship opportunities and supervision for Clinical Psychology doctoral students.
We believe that you deserve to
achieve your goals!
We Serve Patients in Over 40 States.
Telehealth is taking on a more critical role today than ever before. It is important that you can get the help you need from wherever you are when you need it.
Dr. Fulliton has received credentials through PSYPACT to practice telepsychology across state boundaries in any state shown in blue on the map.
Show / Hide Participating StatesPSYPACT® Participating States
- Alabama
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